Local artists win $5000 for Arrive Alive competition on FBi

Arrive alive, in conjunction with FBi 94.5FM, have announced the winners of the recent ‘Live for the Music’ competition, which put out a state-wide call for an original song and radio script based on the issues of road safety.

The winners of the $4,000 song competition were local hip hop artists Adikkal, Balistik and E-Dawg, whose track Stop Revive Survive was self-produced and recorded at studios in Castlehill. Balistik and Adikkal also front their own band The Suitable Few, and the money from their winnings will go directly towards the production of their debut e.p.

Adikkal says: “It’s an awesome feeling – it lets us know we’re doing something right! Above that, the money couldn’t have come at a better time. Here we were sitting, trying to figure out how we were gonna get the money to get this e.p. out – and then it happens!”

The $1,000 prize for an original script for a Community Service Announcement has been won by Jessie Jordan, a junior copywriter from an advertising agency in Sydney. Jessie has only been in the role for a few months, and says that she was “absolutely stoked” to have won and promised to “spend the money wisely” – freely admitting that she is “in desperate need of a new wardrobe!”

Arrive alive is an initiative of the NSW Motor Accidents Authority which aims to reduce young drivers’ risk-taking behaviour on the roads. The Arrive alive competition, which ran from 22 March to 10 May, was promoted on FBi 94.5FM and supported by a state-wide promotional campaign.

The winning song and CSA (which has been produced by FBi 94.5FM) are being distributed to 77 community radio stations throughout NSW, for use as a community service announcement. The winning track and script – chosen from over 200 entries – were premiered on FBi at 5.30pm on Monday 31st May 2004 and can be heard on the Arrive alive site (click below).