One in three listeners tune into podcasts because they are screenless

Podcast listening was on the rise across the globe in 2018.

Spotify has analysed its stats from last year and found the number of monthly users intentionally listening to podcasts increased by 175%.

A Spotify report on podcast usage on the platform says:

“Audio is by nature an especially intimate form of communication, and podcasts take this intimacy even further than other types of audio. Unlike other mediums, many podcasts are tailored to niche audiences… as a result, listeners can find their community and bond with hosts who share their humor or a quirky personal interest. “

Podcast listening is a very ‘lean-in’ activity according to Bryan Moffett, chief operating officer of National Public Media: “Someone tunes in because they want to listen and want to absorb it.”

Audio is a uniquely flexible format, ideal for our mobile, modern lives. People can listen during screenless moments — working out, cleaning, and cooking — when visual media can’t reach them as easily.

“Listeners are able to multitask while tuning in, simultaneously absorbing information and challenging their brains. As one listener told us, with podcasts “you can get all the stuff you would get from reading or watching, just by listening. In fact, one in three respondents said they tune into podcasts because they are screenless,” says the report.

Spotify’s data shows that 81% of podcast streams on Spotify happen on a weekday, 35% during commuting hours, and 77% on a mobile device, “indicating that podcasts add value to screenless moments, when people are on-the-go.”

The company’s research shows that 81% of listeners have taken action after hearing audio ads during a podcast. These actions include researching a product online, connecting with the brand on social media, and talking about the brand with others.


As listeners spend more time with their favorite shows, they get to know the hosts and start to feel a personal connection to them, which makes the hosts very effective influencers.



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