Top 20 percent of ABC staff paid $124 million: Senate Estimates

The top 20% of ABC staff are paid a combined total of $124 million, out of total wages bill of $437 million at the national broadcaster

The amount has been revealed in written responses to questions on notice, submitted to the Senate Estimates Committee this month.
The correspondence answered questions from Senator Hanson and others about the salary range of the ABC’s highest paid employees. 
The highest paid staff are listed below by salary band:

In 2013, leaked documents revealed that radio presenters Richard Glover, Jon Faine and Fran Kelly were amongst the top paid ABC Radio presenters, with senior journalists, managers and television presenters making up the rest of the top staff salary list. It is not known whether they are still in the list, because no individual names were released in this current response, for privacy reasons.

There are 491.3 full time equivalent (FTE) employees in the ABC’s Radio team. The 2016-17 budget for the Radio team was $60.8 million.
The Managing Director is paid $900,000 per annum
There are 426 FTE employees in the ABC’s Television team. The 2016-17 budget for the Television team was $187.3 million.
The ABC does not have an ‘Internet’ division, however there are 198.1 FTE employees who work in online content teams. The 2016-17 budget for the online content teams was $37.8 million.


The corporation spent $78.7 million on radio transmission in that period, about 40% of its total transmission costs of $180 million

$9.365 million has been paid by the ABC in redundancies this year as part of the national broadcasters restructuring program.
This year, a total of 89 staff were retrenched (including 25 executive staff).
156 jobs were abolished and 132 new roles were created.

In other figures revealed in the written responses, the ABC spent a combined $1.5 million on search engine marketing and social media marketing in 2016  ($1,049,630 on social media marketing and $449,523 on search engine marketing). This represents approximately 0.14 per cent of the ABC budget.

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