Former ABC Radio news reader (and for many years the voice of the Telstra telephone number inquiry line), Anne Dunn, passed away in Sydney on Sunday afternoon after a seven year battle with cancer. She went into remission on and off for a few years but it never really went away.
Anne’s funeral will be at 10.15am this Friday, 6th July, at the Macquarie Park crematorium in North Ryde (Palm Chapel). The family would be very happy to see any of Anne’s colleagues who wish to attend.
ABC Director of Radio Kate Dundas said, “I spoke to Anne’s brother Dominic this morning – also a former ABC colleague. They have asked people not to send flowers but to consider donating to one of the charities that helped Anne during her illness. The donations page for the Cancer Council of NSW is: One of Anne’s daughters, Claire Dunn, will be running in a charity triathlon called Triathlon Pink ( and donations can be made there to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.”
Anne worked on a number of programs, going way back to being a researcher with Michael Parkinson. She left the ABC to lecture at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst and spent recent years at Sydney University, often acting in senior academic positions and obtaining her Doctorate.
Close friend Jim Booth writes: Anne was married to my cousin, former TV producer, Peter Dunn, and they have two daughters, Alice and Clare and one young grand daughter.
Not sure of any funeral arrangements yet, but her father, former Inventors (the original) presenter Geoff Stone, has offered to Peter to celebrate a service in Sydney later in the week.