What to do when the client objects

Peady’s Selling Engagement sponsored by IRD Prospector

Welcome to this week’s post on sales and selling skills.
Let’s kick off with a question: What do you do when someone shuts you down with an objection during a telephone or F2F meeting?

  • Respond and overcome the objection?
  • Steer the discussion around the objection?
  • Implement a tactic or strategy to keep the prospect engaged?
  • Accept that this prospect isn’t for you and close the call or meeting?

There’s plenty of good advice out there on how to overcome sales objections, but most of it doesn’t work because it’s too confrontational or combative. Many trainers tell you to “overcome” the objection. In my opinion you should be addressing or dealing with it in a conversational and professional way.

A great quote

“It’s simply human nature to object, hesitate, stall or procrastinate when making any decision that separates you from your money” – Tom Hopkins (arguably one of the great sales trainers).

Work out what you are dealing with

Many times, an objection is what I call “a question in disguise” – in other words the customer is engaged but wants more information before deciding.
Sometimes it’s a matter of trust – they don’t trust you or your company. So, they raise objections to test you and find out if there is a synergy.

Others bring up objections as a knee-jerk reaction. Similar to the “just looking” response to retail staff. It can also be fear of change, no perceived need or concerns about costs vs. return.

Whatever the reason, once you know what it is you and the customer are dealing with then, and only then can you provide a reasoned response.

5 simple steps

Here’s a simple process to help you deal with objections.

  1. Listen to the objection. Don’t jump all over the prospect as soon as she says “But what about…” give them time to explain the issue or concerns. And listen very carefully using positive body language.
  2. Repeat it back. When you’re absolutely sure the customer is finished, be quiet for a moment and then repeat back the gist of what was said. “I see, you’re concerned about cost versus returns”? This shows that you were listening and provides a further chance for them to clarify or expand.
  3. Ask some further uncovery questions. Drill down to find out what the real problem is – often the first objection is a smokescreen. The more you can engage at this stage the more likely the true situation will emerge.
  4. Deal with that real situation. Once you know what you are dealing with – value, trust, fear, needs etc., you can provide a reasoned response or answer. This might be the time to provide testimonials or demonstrate your solution benefits.
  5. Confirm that your response is correct. Ensure you’ve answered the prospect’s objection (or question) fully. Ask, “Does that make sense?” or “Have I answered your concerns?”

As I often say in these posts – try it. Use some of the ideas I have put forward in-field; alternately use this as a discussion point in your regular sales meeting.

Until next week, good selling!

About the author 

Stephen Pead is a media industry veteran of 30 years with significant experience in direct sales, sales management and general management. He is based in Sydney and specialises in helping SME’s market their businesses more effectively and providing training for salespeople and sales managers.

He can be contacted at [email protected]


