Music discovery still dominated by radio: Nielsen

The lastest Nielsen Music 360 Report has shown that radio is still the dominant way people discover music. This report, although published by the US branch of Nielsen, gives insight into ‘all aspects of music consumption including listening and purchasing behaviors; music discovery; live events; the use of social networking and mobile music apps; as well as how the economy is affecting music sales’. The report concluded:

  • 48% discover music most often through the radio
  • 10% discover music most often through friends/relatives
  • 7% discover music most often through YouTube

As new mobile and online technologies develop, some have speculated or even so boldly concluded, that people will put radio to the way-side when it comes to finding new music which will cost radio netowrks their listener base and thus their on-air presence. The Music 360 Report did also note that whilst radio was the most popular medium for music discovery, more teens listen to music through YouTube, saying:

  • 64% of teens listen to music through YouTube
  • 56% of teens listen to music on the radio
  • 53% of teens listen to music through iTunes
  • 50% of teens listen to music on CD

Despite this, it’s a much needed boost for radio people and the industry to see that there is still a place for radio when it comes to music consumption and discovery.

You can view the report in full here.