Peady’s Selling Engagement sponsored by IRD Prospector
Welcome to this week’s post on sales and selling success.
Recently I read this saying: “Right time, right place, right people equals success” and it struck me that this applies to most sales and selling situations.
First thing. Salespeople learn selling techniques and one of the most common techniques is “closing” – many trainers spend hours on this one subject. However, none are as powerful as someone wanting to buy.
Second thing. If a potential customer can’t buy, doesn’t want to buy, is afraid to buy or doesn’t like the salesperson then the sale wont “close”. No matter what techniques are used.
Of course, you can argue that relationship building, questioning skills, finding the right solution and presentation skills are all part of the “selling process”. And I agree. But the buying motives of customers are many times more powerful than selling skills.
Buying motives
What’s more important to you. Knowing HOW to sell or knowing WHY customers buy?
Like it or not, customers (and prospective customers) buy for their own selfish reasons. The “what’s in it for me factor?” is a driving motivator.
So, if that’s true what are the top three buying motives?
1. More profit, saving time or money, personal gain, not wasting or better use of money and ROI.
2. Fear of loss and making the wrong decision. Reduce costs, prevent loss, protect current market share, more security or no/lower risk.
3. Pride and prestige. Recognition or better image, beat competition, create higher sales, own a better or improved product.
In most B2B selling situations one, two or even three of these motives are in play.
Identifying the motives
I’m afraid we’re back to my favourite subject. Asking questions!
By asking relevant questions it makes it easier to identify the motives for any given customer. Then you can then concentrate on matching the benefits of your product or service to your buyer’s true buying motive.
Five questions
Here’s five questions to get you started. Five ways to move the conversation in the direction of what’s important to them.
- Where would you put the emphasis. Price, results or service?
- When making decisions, how do you evaluate new products or services?
- Which areas of the business are currently causing the most problems?
- What’s more important to you. Saving money or using your current budget more effectively?
- Ideally, what would you like to see happen after working together in 6-9 months?
Until next week good selling!
About the author
Stephen Pead is a media industry veteran of 30 years with significant experience in direct sales, sales management and general management. He is based in Sydney and specialises in helping SME’s market their businesses more effectively and providing training for salespeople and sales managers.
He can be contacted at [email protected]