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radioinfo is a trade publication supporting and informing the radio broadcasting, podcast and audio industries. The readership audience is professionals who work in radio, podcasting, audiobooks and advertising.
In 2023, about 575,000 readers consumed 1.7 million pages of content on our website. The average weekly readership is about 11,000 people; our highly engaged readers spend nearly one minute on each page.
We have been operating for about 25 years.
Our readers are made up of people working in all facets of radio, commercial, community and government. They are presenters, producers, journalists, music directors, programmers, managers, salespeople, engineers, technologists and advertising creatives. We also have large contingents of readers that are from advertising agencies, consultancy companies, technology providers and students. Many radio listeners and general audio consumers also read about their favourite radio personalities on our website.
Our publication features the latest Australian and international Radio industry news, radio job ads for announcers, producers, panel operators, journalists, reporters, creative copywriters, sales, program directors, managers and many other job categories. To find out the latest news and jobs in radio, podcasting, audio production and broadcast technology, we are your one-stop shop.
You can also find show prep, airplay data, analysis and strategy information about all of Australia’s radio networks, plus the latest on how radio is responding to internet radio, podcasting, digital radio, social media and other new trends facing radio in the twenty-first century.
We welcome your contributions and comments by email to the above address.
The site is published by AMT Pty Ltd.
radioinfo is bound by the Standards of Practice of the Australian Press Council. If you believe the Standards may have been breached, you may approach the publication itself or contact the Council by email ([email protected]) or by phone at 02 9261 1930. For further information see
Harvard AGPS Citation:
Ahern, S and Saxon, P, 2024. Radioinfo website. < >. Accessed on [insert date]
radioinfo was first published by Founding Editor Steve Ahern in 1998 as AMT, then changed its name to radioinfo in 2002.
We also own the podcast news site, Asia’s only radio industry news and jobs site, and Africa’s newest radio industry news and job site
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