Entries are now open for the 2023 Radio Today Podcast Awards


Over at our sister site, Radio Today, they report huge interest in these awards this year and have added some new categories.

We now have a SIGNIFICANT OTHERS category. This is for podcasters whose podcast doesn’t quite fit into any of the other categories for Best of the Year.

We have also added a PODCAST INNOVATION AWARD for podcast publishers that can show innovation in tech and/or software and audio production techniques.

On top of that we’ve added a new category – SOCIALS CONTENT CREATOR/ PRODUCER OF THE YEAR award for those who can demonstrate excellence in digital content, digital strategy, audio growth and social engagement.

This year most categories offer entry to either MAJOR or INDIE divisions. Be sure to check the rules so that you are being judged fairly within your category.

To start your journey you must register HERE 

You’ll find all the details there.

Once you have registered you can start your entry and come back to it as often as you like between now and May 29 2023.

If you have any questions, run into difficulties or have suggestions, you can contact the Radio Today Awards Team.
