High profile ABC staff made redundant

Saturday AM presenter Elizabeth Jackson has been made redundant from the ABC, joining Emma Alberici who has settled legal action with the national broadcaster and taken a redundancy.

Also walking out the door from the News and Current Affairs division are:
Zoe Daniel
Michaela Boland
Dominique Schwartz
Karen Percy
Sandi Aloisi

Sophie McNeill resigned before the redundancies began, to join Human Rights Watch.

The ABC Rural Department’s Country Hour EP Helen Taylor has left the building, as have long serving regional journalists Michael Cavanagh and Moyra Shields.

Caberra’s Andrea Ho and ABC Audio Studios’ Kellie Riordan are also on the redundancy list, as is Marianne Leitch, Sheryle Bagwell and Sascha Rundle.

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As redundant staff walk out the door, various divisions in the ABC are restructuring to cope with the leaner working environment. In the News Division, Gaven Morris told radioinfo:

“Let me be clear, we don’t want to cut it, but we had to make some hard decisions. I would rather keep reporters in the field, because that is a priority for us… We are trying to create positives from cuts that we have been forced to make, so we have thought a lot about how to provide comprehensive services in the best way we can.”

There are expected to be around 200 redundancies in total.

UPDATE. Elenor Hall says she was not made redundant. She has tweeted to her social media followers:

“I will miss my lovely audience. But just to clarify, I wasn’t pushed out. I left before the redundancy round to fulfil my long held dream of going to art school”


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