Hot Tomato remains the number one radio station on the Gold Coast all people 10+, according to the latest GfK survey released today.
In the third survey this year Hot Tomato increased its share slightly to 13.8% with Gold FM recording a slight loss sitting on 12.4%.
Hot Tomato General Manager Graham Miles, had this to say on today’s result:
“Hot Tomato is pleased to be the Gold Coast’s number one choice again winning three consecutive GFK surveys in 2015. The result is a reflection of our local team’s commitment to creating the best radio on the Gold Coast, for Gold Coasters. A big congrats to the whole Hot Tomato team for their dedication throughout the year. We also acknowledge the continued support of our clients, partners and of course the Gold Coast radio audience who tune in each day.”
Meantime Sea FM increased its share marginally to 11.3%.
Local ABC station ABC91.7 lost 1.4 share points to 4.8%. ABC 612 picked up by 0.3 to a 6.1% share.
In Breakfast and despite a 0.6% drop GOLD FM is number one with 13.6%. Hot Tomato increased slightly from the last survey to record a 12.9% share.
Sea FM was the biggest mover in the Breakfast day part up 0.8% from 8.8 to hold a 9.6% share.
ABC91.7 dropped in breakfast while ABC 612 recorded an increase, scoring an 8% share in breakfast.
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Spin Cycle:
Interesting to see Hot Tomato the #1 commercial choice for evenings (ABC local radio is outright #1 with David Curnow's evenings across both the ABC local radio stations which figures are disclosed for).
The evening announcer on Hot Tomato is Craig Collett, better known to the Gold Coast as the Big Kahuna who hosted the evening shift on Sea FM.
The evening shift on Hot Tomato is voicetracked. It's one of those quirks of radio that a pre-recorded Big K can beat his successors on Sea FM who now come from Sydney (one hour delay) with a metro budget.
Since the Big K took over the evening shift on Hot Tomato, he has done a great job with content he puts into the show. He makes the effort needed and then some.