K Rock ghost tour takes unexpected twist

A chair moves…

Voices speak from a world beyond ours…

They had Night Vision Cameras, Infrared Goggles, Laser Grids, EMF Detectors, Spirit Box, Motion Sensors and a range of other equipment as the K Rock team explored Old Geelong Gaol.

Scaredy Cat Jess, skeptic Jayde and The Departure Lounge’s Stampsy took the challenge.

Geelong Gaol opened in 1853 and is one of Australia’s most intact 19th century convict prisons.

The tour took them back to a time when the building housed male and female prisoners, as well as children from the Geelong industrial school.

That’s not what made their skin crawl… ‘The Prison of the Ill’, which once housed convicts and murderers in extreme conditions is perfect to investigate.

Tiny cells, no toilets and freezing cold conditions made the Geelong Gaol a virtual dungeon till the day it closed in 1991.

Hear what they heard… and the moment no one expected.


