Hottest hot dog leaves 2DayFM’s Merrick Watts seriously ill

2DayFM breakfast host Merrick Watts ate Australia’s hottest hot dog in an on-air stunt this morning – with ‘XXXXX sauce’ 900 times hotter than a jalapeño. 

After the challenge concluded it left his panicked wife Georgie calling producers, with Merrick violently ill causing an internal reaction with sharp pains in the inner lining of his stomach

‘XXXXX Sauce’ is the hottest legal sauce on the planet and has a Scoville heat count of 1.45 million –  almost the equivalent of consuming police grade pepper spray

No-one has ever finished the Hottest Hot Dog; with a maximum of 3 bites eaten. Merrick successfully ate 4 bites of the Hot Dog

This was a part of 2DayFMs ‘Blackout Challenge’ which sees radio talent embarking on a surprise task after all their senses have been blocked out.


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