India’s next step in transition to digital broadcasting

India’s public radio and television broadcaster Prasar Bharati has issued orders for six Nautel NX Series 300 kW medium wave transmitters configured for DRM30 transmission. The purchase is part of All India Radio’s (AIR) plans to upgrade facilities throughout India to DRM30 digital broadcasting.

The DRM digitisation will allow AIR to also use alternative platforms such as podcasting, SMS, webcasting and mobile service. AIR also intends to offer a 24-hour news channel along with other programming. Additional services such as Interactive Text Transmission and disaster warning alerts are also planned.

Hal Kneller, Nautel Regional Sales Manager – Europe and Africa. “As a member of the DRM Consortium executive and steering boards, it thrills me that Nautel has been chosen to bring India into the age of digital radio with this technology. Not only will listeners hear high quality sound on AM broadcasts, they will also enjoy many of the multi-media features that DRM has to offer. Millions of DRM receivers will now be in demand!”

Ruxandra Obreja, Chair of the DRM Consortium, had similar sentiments; “When all these transmitters are on air, with the extra content that will be made available, India will be probably the largest digital radio country in the world. This roll-out should encourage chipset and receiver manufacturers to produce more DRM receivers. The Prasar Bharati announcement re-affirms All India Radio’s commitment to digital technologies and proves that DRM has come of age”.