“It is difficult not to believe that he is getting a dose of his own medicine…” says Malcolm Turnbull.
In a speech in Melbourne last night, Liberal backbencher Malcolm Turnbull’s commentary on Alan Jones was stronger than that of party leader Tony Abbott.
Turnbull said Jones was getting a dose of his own medicine, because “Mr Jones has waged more than a few onslaughts against individuals and businesses and encouraged more than a few email campaigns of his own.”
Just when you thought he had exhaused the reservoir of abuse… he out did himself. The avalanche of comdemnation that followed was delivered by thousands of Australians online… making it difficult for Mr Jones’ friends and supporters to brush that off.”
Commenting on the role of the regulator, Turnbull said, even if Jones had expressed his views on air, he doubted that the regulator, ACMA would have taken any adverse action.
In other related coverage on this issue, 2GB’s afternoon host Chris Smith interviewed critic Jenna Price on air yesterday, then opened up the talkback lines as part of his ‘hot talkback topic’ of the day. Smith carefully balanced pro and anti talkback callers during the segment. Listen here.
In his 8am editorial this morning, Jones responded to Jenna Price in his ad-free breakfast program, criticising her for left wing bias.