Kiwi Copy Cats steal World’s Best Joke from Aussie station

This could mean war!

Then again, as they say, imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

You may recall a couple of month’s ago we reported that Hot FM WA breakfast co-host Rosie Panetta was put under pressure by her co-host Ryan Jon giving her the responsibility of delivering The World’s Greatest Joke of All Time.

Now they find that Jay-Jay, Mike and Dom at The Edge in New Zealand have come up with their own version, but with a slightly different name (and a different joke): The Best Joke in the World.

If nothing else, it took the Kiwis almost seven minutes too get to the joke which took just 9 seconds to tell. The video starts with a preamble to the joke that included a stirring rendition of the NZ National Anthem which takes up almost half of the whole proceedings. But no Haka. Pity.

By contrast, the HOT FM video goes for less than three minutes with an even shorter joke. 

For being first with the idea and brevity, and because we’re a biased bunch in Oz when it comes to our friends across the ditch, we give it to the Aussies.

You be the judge. First, the Aussie team and after that a link to the Kiwis who won’t let us embed their video unless we pay


And now, here’s the best joke in the world with Jay-Jay, Mike & Dom