Michael Mason: ‘We have to be even more gripping and compelling…’

As radioinfo continues to digest Survey 5 2017,  attention turns to ABC Radio.

Add up all the gains and losses and, as a network, ABC Local Radio shed -0.7 in audience share overall.

Sydney took the biggest hit, losing -1.0, leaving it in third place in the market.

The largest gains were in Melbourne and Perth, each with 0.7 to their credit.

“Survey 5 gave us some solid results with good increases for our Local Radio stations in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth,” says Director of Radio Michael Mason.
“At the beginning of this year we made quite a few changes to our capital city line-ups and we’re very happy with the results to date. 

“The new voices are settling in well and it’s particularly good to see our new Breakfast presenter in Brisbane, Craig Zonca, moving into the top breakfast slot in that market in this survey. 

“We’ve also made changes recently in Adelaide with Ali Clarke replacing Matt Abraham at breakfast and again, it’s pleasing to see we continue to be the number one choice at the start of the day for South Australians. We continue to be the number two choice at Breakfast in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.
“This is all against a backdrop of a continually changing market where we’re seeing a lot more choice and competition.  This means we have to be even more gripping and compelling with our programs and content.”

Meantime add up all the gains and losses and it seems that, as a network, triple j gained 0.9 in audience share.

But they achieved that result in a more volatile fashion than their colleagues at ABC Local.

You can read our full analysis of Survey 5 here.


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