Peady’s Selling Engagement sponsored by IRD Prospector
Welcome to this week’s post on sales and selling success.
Christmas and the traditional holiday season is just around the corner, nearly time to take a break and enjoy some well-earned rest. But before you do let me share something with you – a little Christmas gift.
Around this time of the year the pressure comes off in many industry verticals – senior managers, owners, key decision makers start to wind down, relax and as result are suddenly accessible. Additionally, “gatekeepers” are often on a break or doing their Christmas shopping or at a celebration lunch. Its weird and it seems to happen every year. Maybe it really is the season to be jolly?
And that my friends presents us with an opportunity, the final selling opportunity for the year and a way to get Q1 off to a great start.
Pre-holiday business referrals
Before you go on your break personally contact all your current customers and thank them for their support (now when I say personally I mean face to face or via the phone – not a text or email). Part of the pre-Christmas wrap-up conversation should include taking time to review their current challenges and needs so that when you return to work they are in your January opportunity pipeline.
After that conversation, it’s only natural to ask for referrals. And, while asking for the referral, politely ask them if they would make the introduction for you.
In most cases these new prospects won’t want to see you until after Christmas anyway (which probably suits you too). So simply schedule the appointment for early January.
Think about it. Let’s say, you’ve got 50 regular clients, 25-30 of them provide a referral and you arrange meetings with 15-20 potential new customers. Then add the follow up opportunities that you uncovered for your current customers.
Suddenly your January pipeline looks really solid!
Now go on your break!
Try my idea. Even if it only partially works you’ll be a much better position that without it.
For me it’s time to wrap up for 2018. This is my last post for the year, enjoy the Christmas and New Year holiday season with your family and friends. I plan to do the same.
Until next time, good selling!
About the author
Stephen Pead is a media industry veteran of 30 years with significant experience in direct sales, sales management and general management. He is based in Sydney and specialises in helping SME’s market their businesses more effectively and providing training for salespeople and sales managers.
He can be contacted at [email protected]