No account is worth sacrificing your integrity

– Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson.

December 2024. It’s nearly 2025 and I can’t believe I’m writing this column. Or more exactly, I can’t believe I’ve been requested to write this column. The subject was requested by a sales manager I know who for reasons that will become obvious, must remain nameless. Ditto the exact location but suffice it to say this occurred outside the USA. That having been said, this same situation could occur anywhere.

Scenario: an eager young female salesperson is calling on a male client. She is invited to dinner by the client. At that dinner, she is propositioned. I’ve been asked to give advice on how to handle this situation.

Here in the USA, the “Me Too” movement brought this problem to light a few years ago. It gave women the courage to say not just “No” but “Hell No”. Once the light was shined on the perpetrators, it became less common.

Unfortunately in some cultures (sometimes even still in the USA) the female is considered as “inviting advances” or “causing” the situation. The suggestions given below will help avoid that issue. I must also say that in all my years in sales, I never experienced this problem. But I do know people who have, and not all of them were female.

I am surprised that women the world over haven’t revolted more about this situation than they have. I have worked in some cultures where women are holding important positions in our industry but still face cultural mores that place them in a subordinate position to men. In those cultures, this problem would be ignored because officially it doesn’t exist. The culture of this sales manager is one such place.

So, what advice do I have for ladies today?

1.      Approach all clients in a business-like manner. This does not mean that you can’t be friendly. It means that you send no signals other than “I’m here to meet your business needs and ONLY your business needs.”

2.     Dress in a business-like manner. Women especially have more trouble finding business clothes that are stylish but not necessarily fashion forward. Much of today’s fashion is not suited for business. We need to look like we are serious businesspeople. A credible image is an important first step.

3.     If a client suggests dinner, propose lunch instead. You pay for it. If you must go to dinner, you pick up the check. You pick the place and make it somewhere you are well known. If the waiter appears to know you, the client will be less likely to behave out of line. Arrange to have someone with you. Take a production person, a manager, someone associated with the account so that it’s not obvious that you are bringing company for protection.

4.     If you suspect that this client has ulterior motives, decline dinner.

5.     Shame is a powerful thing. If you ARE propositioned, act totally shocked. Say that you CANNOT IMAGINE that a person of their standing in the community (might be a religious community) would suggest such a thing. Perhaps you misunderstood? Give them a way to save face and back out.

6.     Try this line: “Mr. ____ I’m happy to work with you and your account and take good care of the advertising for your business. If you need anything more, I will be happy to provide you with names and numbers for workers in THAT profession.”

7.     If nothing else works, trade the account. NOTHING, NO ACCOUNT is worth sacrificing your integrity. If no one else wants it, fire that account.

8.    Just say “No”. Make that “Hell No”.

My first boss gave me a piece of advice that I’ve held on to for years. He said, “Pat there are too many nice people out there to call on to deal with those who aren’t.” 

Amen and Amen!