Radio school website showcases new talent

The Ian MacRae Radio School has launched a new website which allows program directors and content producers to check out some of the fresh, new talent now available to the industry.

Ian MacRae says: “I’m constantly impressed by the natural talent we have coming to the course. Then, by the time they’ve been through the ten weeks and twelve lessons, they’re more than microphone ready.”

In its 9 years of operation, the school has attracted a wide range of student ages, the youngest being 16 and the oldest being 62.

“Some of the more mature age students work in Community Radio and want to improve their performance,” explains MacRae.

The site allows graduates to display their photos, post a bit about their background and what they’re looking for in radio, and includes an audio demo that they have produced at the school.

These demos show off the abilities of graduates to present music, read news, ad lib, write and present editorials, interview guests and work in duos and trios.

The website is at Click below.