Retirement for Jeremy Cordeaux

Jeremy Cordeaux will reportedly retire at the end of next month, ending a 42 year radio career.

Cordeaux, who has just turned 59, has told The Sunday Mail he has been thinking about pulling the plug for at least two years.

“I’ve had 42 years doing something I always wanted to do, and loved, and think I’ve achieved everything I could want and more.

“I sort of feel satisfied about it. I’ve loved every moment of it.

“After 42 years, I can say I’ve done a fair amount of good, in terms of helping people.

“If you do your job properly, the community feels they’re very close to you.”

Cordeaux says did not want to reach the point where ‘you don’t exist unless you put that red light on’.

“That’s that chapter. What’s next is not the next chapter, but the next book.”

Well away from 5DN, Cordeaux says he plans to throw himself into gardening and tinkering with his collection of 12 old cars.

Cordeaux is recovering from months of battling pneumonia and the Survey #6 ratings – his worst for four years, in which he tumbled from 7% to 3.8%.

He officially resigned two months ago, but only a few people were aware.

5DN Manager, Steve Rowe says: “Last year, I talked Jeremy out of retiring twice.

“He has been up there in the company of some of the country’s best talk hosts, yet he has never forgotten the people side of the business. I would suggest there are others in his league around the country who could take a few notes.”

Cordeaux is contracted to 5DN for three months after retirement and, while he has no plans, he has hinted he will consider any offers.

“This year has been hard for me. The Prime Minister says you should go on working until you are 70, 75 but, first, I want to get rid of this (ill health), then have a year’s rest, then I might think about that.

“I am wonderfully grateful and thankful to the people of Adelaide – and who knows, I may be back!”