SEN’s totally pro Carlton AFL finals coverage

Some of you may not have noticed (or cared) but Carlton are back in the AFL finals mix this September, and Sports Entertainment Network (SEN) has been swept up by Blues Finals fever (deliberately linked to make the typeface blue), announcing a bespoke commentary broadcast tailored to passionate Blues supporters.

To celebrate their first Final in over a decade, SEN will broadcast an unashamedly biased commentary for the big match against the Swans.

The Blues parochial commentary will be hosted by the one-eyed Carlton trio of Andy Maher, Mark Maclure, and club legend Wayne Johnson.

Andy Maher, who was forced to sit through Carlton’s Round 23 demise to Collingwood last season without letting his emotions get the better of him, said he looked forward to having his passion for the Blues spill over into his commentary:

“Let’s be honest, the Carlton army has been quiet for too long at this time of the year. It’s time our September voices be heard again, without the need to offer the other mob a fair go or an impartial eye. We watch this game with one eye.

And what better way to do it than between Premiership royalty, flanked be seven flags, shoulder-to-shoulder with the bluest of blood.”

The Blues focused commentary will be available exclusively on DAB+ radio and the SEN app. There ARE other options available for other team fans, with AFL Nation’s commentary available on SEN 1116am and SEN’s digital platforms.

Maher had one more thing to add:

“Should it not go our way, any video recordings will be destroyed upon the sounding of the final siren.”

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