Specialist programs moved, breakfast show extended in RN plans for 2012

The Radio National Breakfast show will be extended by half an hour next year according to internal draft schedule documents currently being discussed within the network. The specialist programs that were on at 8.30am are likely to be moved to a 5.30 afternoon timeslot, after the early edition of PM. Network manager Michael Mason has told radioinfo: “Radio National discussed the need to hold onto the principles that are our core strength – those of specialisation, thoughtful and intelligent analysis, and the commitment to the Australian and international cultural and political landscapes. We know that there are opportunities to engage with the next generation of listeners by resetting and refreshing our programming without lessening our commitment to these principles.” Today we reveal a sneak peek at the network’s draft schedule for next year.


Specialist programs for Media and Religion look like being reintroduced in 2012, after they were axed four years ago. They will join the usual specialist program fold which includes The Health, Law and Movie reports.


A new late afternoon news based drive show is also planned. In the draft, the afternoon lineup will now begin at 5, with PM, followed by specialist programs at 5.30 and a talk drive show following that between 6-8pm. The high quality current affairs and specialist hour between 5 and 6 will serve as a good contrast with the talk based flow formats of the metro local radio stations in that hour, while the flow formatted national drive at the later time of 6pm will offer an alternative to the one hour PM block at 6pm on the metro stations.

A new food program is planned for Saturday afternoons and there is space in the Sunday schedule for new program proposals. The changes are part of a review of the network which has been taking place during the year (see our earlier story).


Michael Mason explains to radioinfo that “the thinking behind the draft schedule comes largely from Radio National staff, EPs and the Radio National Executive.  Throughout the year, we have sought input via a round of workshops with staff. The reason for the workshops was to establish where we need to change and what our purpose is in a multiplatform age. We also sought counsel from a cross section of people from our team and gathered strong advice from our leadership group, the Editors and Executive Producers.”
The draft schedule maintains the netwoprks “commitment to quality” with some suggestions including:

·   a new late Drive program and an extended Breakfast program that recognises the mobility and availability of audience needs at these busy times of the day;
·   more specialisation and fewer repeats;
·   the commissioning of new programs across current genre gaps;
·   a renewed emphasis on arts and culture;
·   maintenance of Radio Drama and a stronger commitment to radio features; and
·   a greater capacity to react to major conversation points from Australia and around the world, with a stronger emphasis on more personable and flexible presentation throughout the day.


“In the workshops and discussions, Radio National discussed the need to hold onto the principles that are our core strength – those of specialisation, thoughtful and intelligent analysis, and the commitment to the Australian and international cultural and political landscapes. We know that there are opportunities to engage with the next generation of listeners by resetting and refreshing our programming without lessening our commitment to these principles.
“The ABC is committed to the ongoing success of Radio National, and to maintaining and reinvigorating its position in contemporary Australian thought and discussion. Achieving our goals will help us to deliver a safe and strong future for the network. We believe that the draft schedule provides the structure for the ongoing renewal of Radio National,”
says Mason.


There will be further work done on the schedule based on comments and suggestions from staff.  The final schedule will be announced in early October. Mason says “a lot of work and a lot of discussions with staff will occur before we start implementing the revised schedule with an on-air date of 23 January 2012.”

As it strands now, the weekday draft looks like this, although it may not end up being the final version of the schedule.