Vanstone can’t Wiggle out of this one – Molloy a close 2nd

Federal Minister, Amanda Vanstone, has made an embarrassing gaffe on ABC local radio in Canberra, mixing up The Goodies with The Wiggles!

During a telephone interview, the Immigration Minister said: “I’m flattered to be on a show with The Goodies. I might be a hit with the kids of Australia.”

When the presenter pointed out that kids would not know who The Goodies were, Senator Vanstone admitted she had mixed them up with The Wiggles: “I’m confusing them with the other lot. Who are they? – The Wiggles.”

Bill Oddie, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden seemed more than a little put out that a senior minister had never heard of them and thought they were skivvy wearing children’s entertainers.

Admitting they did not know The Wiggles, Garden asked: “What the hell’s a skivvy? A working wench, isn’t it?”

Not to be outdone, Triple M’s Mick Molloy does not seem to be too sure what day it is.

On his ‘Tough Love’ one hour program, Molloy dedicated his entire show yesterday to International Women’s Day.

The only problem is the big event was actually the day before!