Virgin Radio

Speaker Francis Currie
Uk radio 88% of the population listen to radio
4 key players
Global radio,
Chris evans, you feel you are in his world and an incredible report and at one time owner in Virgin Radio. He’s an innovator, force of nature and a powerhouse. He was persued by Branson to work for Virgin Radio who recognises him as a powerhouse in his delivery.
26 yrs ago Virgin launched in 1993 and in 98 Evans bought it and 2001, fired and sold in 2008. Wireless released it on DAB
Up on 97% listenership.
Virgin Radio delivers fun and when you tune in you have a sense of it. The interest from public and other media.
Sky has no ads, it has exclusve content, such as Formula one races around the world. Fantastic prizes
Video content and a platform to access netflix and bbc
Chris talked about leaving BBC and how it would affect the station in terms of an old audience and taking on a new one.
Marketing press advertising and cover-wrap
Use his face breakfast without ad-breaks and other “come over for breakfast”.

Home page takeover such as The Sun Posters and TV. He’s known best of a family man and introduce him to new listeners.

One week in January, moved Virgin into a new building, like going from a squat to a penthouse, launched the Virgin’s anthems and promotions and then launched the breakfast show as well. Even more complicated, 3 guests a day and musicians live.
Chris has a sense of creative freedom and a report with ordinary people and stars. He’s good at capturing warmth and emotional input.
Ruth Scott gave a podcast of her last days with Chris. Short form was on air and long form on podcast.
Talent and creativity go hand in hand. He talked about the 90s ownership and how it was 24 hour party, fun and punk. He thought the only way of staying at the station was to buy it.
Metrics are released in April and May. But as it’s new it won’t be until August the full stats will be realised.
Streaming is important, but ratings are still to come.

