Peady’s Selling Engagement sponsored by IRD Prospector
Welcome to the new year and the first of my sales and selling posts for 2018.
Many salespeople often take stock of things over the Christmas/New Year break determined to change things. Problem is New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside quite quickly; in fact, it usually happens about now, the third or fourth week of January.
I saw some research that said 75% of resolutions only “stick” for one week and of the remainder just half are still in place six months later!
Happy New Year?
What are your New Year’s selling resolutions?
- Creating digital or social media opportunities?
- Making more appointments with prospective customers?
- Improving the size of your average order value?
- Committing a fixed time to prospecting?
- Actively seeking referrals and testimonials?
- Focussing on upselling or cross-selling?
Most people give up
As I mentioned earlier most people give up too early mainly because of the difficulty in sticking to a new pattern or activity. I’m sure psychologists may have a fancy sounding explanation, but I believe most resolutions fail because they lack real passion, a plan or a “why”.
Resolution or goal?
Instead of using the word resolution call it a goal after all that’s what it is. Then ensure the goal is specific, measurable, realistic and has a deadline. Google goal setting templates if you need help.
Then, decide on no more than 2 goals.
Finally, write it down and include a “why”.
Let’s say you want to make more appointments. The goal could be written as:
“From next Monday, I will make a minimum of 3 face to face appointments every working day. These appointments will be made no later than lunchtime every Friday. This will increase the number of discovery meetings to 15 per week and allow me to create at least 7 selling opportunities and increase my monthly revenue by 20%”.
That short statement ticks all the goal setting boxes.
What are you going to do in 2018 and when are you going to do it? How about today?
As author and sales motivational guru Zig Ziglar said: “A goal once properly set is halfway achieved”
Until next week, good selling and Happy New Year!
About the author
Stephen Pead is a media industry veteran of 30 years with significant experience in direct sales, sales management and general management. He is based in Sydney and specialises in helping SME’s market their businesses more effectively and providing training for salespeople and sales managers.
He can be contacted at [email protected]