27 July 2018 Born in the small Victorian town of Cobram, Brad Blanks transitioned from job as an accountant to a job as a radio entertainment reporter in...
5 April 2018 A new biography on Prince Charles, Rebel Prince: The Power, Passion And Defiance Of Prince Charles, claims the Prince has a few interesting habits, including changing...
29 March 2018 Australia's fastest man, Patrick Johnson and Olympic swimming champion, Rob Woodhouse, will add their expertise to the ABC's 2018 Commonwealth Games broadcast team when coverage starts on April...
9 February 2018 The station also announced a partnership with the Seven Network today. The radio sub-licence means that Nova 106.9 will be only FM radio station...
25 July 2014 The guys responsible for creating the new Aussie Sports Anthem ‘Aussies, we sting like Mossies’ have done it again. Releasing their unofficial Scottish Sports Anthem as...