Please take part in our 2024 Readership Survey

Every year at about this time, we check in with you to get your feedback on what you like, don’t like and what you want to read more about.

It’s that time again!

Please fill in our 2024 Readership Survey, it will take between 2 to 3 minutes depending on whether you answer all 11 questions.

So far, a handful of you have noticed our little square ad in the side margin and the daily email and have contributed your feedback.

On average it has taken participants 2 mins and 46 seconds to give us their opinions.

We are planning to expand our offerings next year, adding more content about audio book production and audio technology, so we want your guidance on what you want to read about. Of course we will continue to cover radio and podcasts, and we want your thoughts on those areas too.

In 2024 our readership has continued to increase, with 2.3 million articles read in the past 12 months. On average our readers view 2 to 3 stories per visit.

Our advertisers received good value from us last year, with 728,000 readers eyeballing their ads for between 38 -85 seconds per page.

Do you advertise with us? Maybe you should! Email [email protected].

During the past month our readership has spiked with so many of you following the movements, sackings and retirements happening during contract renewal season this year. One of the most significant readership categories in the past month has been advertising agency staff, presumably trying to work out who will host the shifts that they will advertise on next year.

You may have noticed that we have done more stories about Advertising Agencies, audio ad production and audio advertising trends this year, that’s because in last year’s readership survey, agencies asked us to increase our coverage of that type of content.

In the past month, a story about Ray Hadley got the most eyeballs (38,000 views), as we covered his impending retirement this Friday. In breaking news, Hadley’s replacement has now been named, it is Mark Levy.

Comings and goings at the ABC and Triple M were also in the top ten most read stories this month, with tens of thousands of people searching stories about Sarah Macdonald, Simon Marnie and Mark Geyer and coming to us to read the latest developments about their favourite personalities. As usual ratings results is always a top story, with our Survey 7 coverage coming in as the 4th most read story this month. Just outside the top 10 were our Jobs page and stories about Alan Jones and Taylor Swift’s tour of Australia, which still keeps getting views long after she left our shores.

So what are readers telling  us so far in our Readership Survey:

Well, you like what we do (thanks 🙂 )

And you are already guiding us about what you want to read more or less of next year.

We appreciate your input and will read all your comments and opinions as we shape Radioinfo, Podcastinfo and Audioinfo for next year.

In January we will tell you the final results of the readership survey.



Steve Ahern, Publisher.

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