RSN is Victoria’s only Racing and Sports Radio Station. RSN is owned by the Victorian Racing Industry – Racing Victoria, Greyhound Racing Victoria & Harness Racing Victoria. RSN is licensed to broadcast across Victoria and has broadcasting license in all jurisdictions. Currently RSN takes racing coverage from across Victoria, Australia and the World.
The Program & Content Manager will be a driver of change across the business and will be willing to challenge the status quo for new and exciting initiatives.
The RSN Program & Content Manager is to oversee all content that is produced live and digitally (socials, web & app) across the station. Management of the programming teams including talent, producers, panel operators, production and digital production/management.
The RSN Program & Content Manager will be charged with ensuring that the best content is produced to ensure that RSN is the premium racing and sport media outlet. The Program & Content Manager will be driven to deliver on a sustainable programming strategy while being agile to embrace new opportunities as they arise.
The Program & Content Manager needs to work within the CRA Codes of Practice and Australian Government Broadcasting Standards.
Apply by email to our Operations Manager – Lucy Brennan