After new imaging and a rebrand last year for Tamworth’s 88.9FM, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has now approved the transfer of the community broadcast licence of 2YOU FM, Tamworth Broadcasting Society Inc, to Tamworth Broadcast Services (TBS) the operators of 88.9 FM and 99.5 FM. The society has held the licence since 1983 under NSW Trade Practices.
A new Board has been appointed to TBS and the station will now operate under Federal legislation.
Director of TBS, Kevin Tongue said:
“The growth of the station required a new company to be formed to expand the services to the region. The board has agreed that any outstanding issues with the ACMA and the Society, TBS will take on those responsibilities.”
Chief Executive Officer George Frame said:
“It is unusual for a community station to transfer a licence, however with the station’s growth in the community and the recent survey of iHeart coverage, has seen the stations audience grow significantly across New England, Northwest and the Liverpool Plains.”
The station will make further announcements soon.