Melbourne’s biggest community radio station 89.9 TheLight held its Open Day at the weekend, welcoming listeners from all over the city for a day of fun.
Over a thousand people were booked in for behind-the-scenes studio tours throughout the day. Hundreds more enjoyed the activities outside, including the opportunity to meet and take photos with all the on air teams.
“The best part of my job is the chance to connect with our listeners on a daily basis,” says Breakfast host Lucy Holmes. “Normally that’s just on-air but Open Day meant we could meet so many of TheLight family face to face, hug each other, and share stories. It was just the most extraordinary day!”
It was the first Open Day held since 2012 and – given the success of this event – the station intends to stage Open Day regularly from next year.
“As a community broadcaster, our supporters make the station what it is,” says Clayton Bjelan, CEO of PositiveMedia. “Here at TheLight, we call our listeners TheLight Family and Open Day is a wonderful family day celebrating what we have built together”.