Last week, 96FM received a piece of mail that had been lost with Australia Post for the last 34 YEARS, resulting in a country-wide search for the sender dubbed #FindRobyn.
It was a 1983 competition entry form – a milk carton cut-out, for a “Brownes Dairy Choc Rock Contest” on 96FM where the winner won “a complete set of the Top 96 Albums” of all time.
96FM’s Carmen & Fitzi put out the call on-air and on social media to find the person who mailed the letter.
And today they found her.
Robyn now lives on a farm in regional WA, and traveled 300km to 96FM to talk about the lost competition entry.
Robyn was a 21 year old secretary at the time in 1983 and was big music fan, she remembers entering the competition and admits that she actually entered the competition countless times because she wanted the music prize so much.
As a surprise, Carmen & Fitzi along with a Brownes Dairy representative this morning presented Robyn with a cheque to the value of $2,000 which is the value of the 96 albums she would have won should she have been the winner of the original competition.