ABC Local Radio discusses middle east crisis in extended programming

As the current conflict in Lebanon worsens, the Middle East will be the subject of special extendedc discussions tomorrow on 702 ABC Sydney and 774 ABC Melbourne.

and Jon Faine will be taking a closer
look at what’s happening in the Middle East in their 8.30 morning programs.

Faine’s program will
cross to the region and talk to ABC correspondents there, and then move
back to Australia and look at the issues from here, asking ‘what’s motivated these
current issues between Lebanon and Israel?’

Trioli’s forum will discuss the background, recent developments and possible ways
forward for the Middle East region. Guests will speak from both sides of the
conflict and will be joined by journalists who have reported from the region.

Trioli says the program is not a ‘debate,’ but “a genuine attempt to convey some very complex
issues to our listenership.”

Israel launched its assault and blockade last Wednesday after Hezbollah fighters captured two of its soldiers.
About 230 Lebanese people have been killed since then, and 25 Israelis have died.