ABC Radio Hobart and ABC Northern Tasmania have launched Rug Up Tassie, a winter appeal supporting people with limited access to shelter and heating during the cold season.
Partnering with local branches of charities including the Salvation Army and Vinnies the appeal will rally Tasmanians to knit together to create hundreds of blankets over winter.
Launching 16 June and running until 26 July, Rug Up Tassie asks Tasmanians to get out their knitting needles to create and donate 20cm wool squares. These will be joined together into blankets by ABC volunteers and donated to the appeal’s partner charities.
Local Radio Manager Samantha Stayner said that many Tasmanians are looking for ways to help their community and connect with others during what will be a quieter winter for the state.
“Not everyone is in a position to be able to donate money at this time so Rug Up Tassie is a way for almost anyone to get involved, help fellow Tasmanians and be a part of something really special this winter,” Ms Stayner said.
“We are aiming to collect over 5000 squares, which is quite a number, but we have seen the spirit, generosity and determination of Tasmanians so we believe we can achieve this and make a difference for people who might not have access to heating and warm shelter during the cold months.”
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