ABC Rural Radio Accused of Bias

The management of ABC rural radio has been accused of bias.

The claim has come from ‘Media Watch’, saying ABC Rural Editor, Shane Mahony, stopped part of a story about ABC Board member, Leith Boully, going to air.

Dubbo rural reporter, Meg Strang’s story dealt with a possible conflict of interest by Boully, who is an irrigator and cotton grower.

She also sits on a number of committees, advising on water sharing between NSW and Queensland.

NSW Liberal Senator, Bill Heffernan, has called on her to resign from the water advisory committee because of a perceived conflict of interest.

The scrapped section of the interview was when Strang asked Brewarrina farmer, Ed Fessey, what he thought about Senator Heffernan’s comments:
“Do you share his concerns that these people should be resigning?”

Fessey: “I don’t know about resigning, but I certainly think there’s a huge conflict of interest, and also it doesn’t send out a good message that Queensland is actually serious about trying to reform their water sharing plan up there”.

Mahony says he reviewed the story because he was concerned about a lack of balance.

Boully says she does not express her views on what the ABC should report on and that management determines what is reported.