AFTRS announces lineup for its AI-focused Digital Futures Summit

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) set to reshape the creative industries, the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) has announced the fourth Digital Futures Summit – a free, interactive online event focused on AI in the creative industries and education.

Featuring five sessions, Digital Futures Summit: AI and the Creative Horizon is an opportunity for leaders, educators, and policymakers in the Australian and international screen and broadcast industries to discuss the impact, challenges, and possibilities of technological change on labour, training, and creativity. This fourth summit will bring together some of Australia and the world’s foremost AI thought leaders to discuss questions of creativity, pedagogy, ethics, Indigenous sovereignty, and inclusion in the emerging age of AI.

The summit opens with a session on Learning with AI that explores AI’s relationship between artificiality and creative intelligence in creative industries education. Speakers at this session are Dr Teresa Crea, UNSW, School of Arts & Design, Professor Danny Liu, Professor in the Educational Innovation team in the DVC (Education) Portfolio at the University of Sydney, and Dr Miles Thorogood, Assistant Professor, Creative Studies, Media Studies, Visual Arts, University of British Columbia.

Critical Making: AI in Screen and Audio Education looks at the challenges and opportunities of AI in the classroom. This panel will include AFTRS Discipline Lead, Production Design, Natalie Beak, Dr Ruari Elkington from QUT’s School of Creative Practice, and Majella Clarke, conductor, oboist, sound artist, SAE postgraduate lecturer and Artificial Intelligence Strategist based in Helsinki, Finland.

Augmented Creativity: AI in the Creative Industries convenes a panel of screen and audio industry leaders to explore some of the creative and commercial opportunities and challenges presented by AI, including Yacht lead singer and author Claire L. Evans, Anton Andreacchio, Founder of the Convergen Group, a visual media company that works with new technologies to produce narrative works, Arul Baskaran, who leads the ABC Innovation Lab, and New York City-based Anthony Frasier, CEO of the kids and family podcast company ABF Creative.

Indigenous Sovereignty and AI: Storing Cultural Practices and Reclaiming Narratives through AI, Film, Radio and Beyond will look at ways Indigenous Sovereignty and Indigenous Knowledge (IK) systems can support the flourishing of future generations and optimise for abundance rather than scarcity. Speakers are Brett Leavy, director, Bilbie Virtual Labs, and Wiradjuri anti-disciplinary artist Joel Sherwood Spring.

The Summit will conclude with The Politics of AI: Navigating Ethics, Inclusion and Job Disruption in the Creative Industries. Speakers are Angela Stengel, the Head of ABC’s Digital Content & Innovation team, Annabelle Sheehan, Professor of Practice, Television, Radio and Film at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Public Communications, Professor Jane Roscoe, President & Vice-Chancellor of the UK’s University for the Creative Arts and Dr Thao Phan Research Fellow with the People Program at the Centre of Excellence on Automated Decision and Society and the Emerging Technologies Research Lab at Monash University.

To join Digital Futures Summit, presented online by AFTRS, guests must register for each session they wish to attend. Registration for all sessions is free.

Digital Futures Summit: AI and the Creative Horizon is presented free and online Wednesday 10 April.  Sessions begin 12pm AEDT

To register, go to:

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