ALP Bias Claims Support the Need for Monitoring

The Federal Government has criticised Labor, saying it needs to make up its mind about ABC ‘bias’.

Communications’ Minister, Daryl Williams, says his Opposition counterpart, Lindsay Tanner, has accused ABC regional radio of bias against Labor candidates for the upcoming election.

Labor has lodged an official complaint with the ABC about this treatment saying, “the ABC must be seen to be beyond reproach in regards to its coverage of national politics”.

Williams says the Government agrees: “This is why we have welcomed the ABC’s moves to establish an effective, independent monitoring system and are working with it to improve its complaints’ handling system.

“In light of Mr Tanner’s claims, I expect Labor to announce shortly that it has changed its policy and now supports independent monitoring of ABC broadcasts.

“Either that or admit to self serving hypocrisy.

“Labor has fought the Government’s efforts to ensure balanced reporting by the ABC every step of the way.

“On 18 May, Mr Tanner accused the Government of trying to ‘nobble’ the ABC after the Board decided to set up a system to monitor against political bias.

“Well, you can’t have it both ways Mr Tanner. You can’t complain of ABC bias in one breath and argue there’s no need for bias monitoring in another.

“Once again, Labor has been exposed as having no idea what it thinks and a complete inability to demonstrate consistent policy.”