Another former Brisbane ABC employee diagnosed with breast cancer

The 14th case of breast cancer at the ABC Toowong has been discovered.

Angela Eckersley worked at the ABC’s Toowong studios for around seven years, before leaving two years ago.
Eckersley worked on the same newsroom production desk as many of the other women diagnosed with the disease since 1994.

Interestingly, Ms Eckersley is the partner of Ian Eckersley, a former ABC employee who took a high profile in lobbying for management to investigate a possible cancer cluster at the studios.

The family issued a statement regarding the recent diagnosis :

“Unfortunately it serves as a reminder that the ABC’s breast cancer issue is not over, and we urge all female employees who worked at the ABC Toowong site both past and present not to become complacent and to remain vigilant about their health checks,”

In December 2006 radioinfo reported that staff vacated the Toowong studios.
A report found women who worked at the Toowong studios from January 1994 to July 2006 had a six times greater risk of developing breast cancer than other Queensland women. During that period 13 women were diagnosed with breast cancer, unfortunately the panel could not pinpoint the cause. This led to an investigation of all capital city studios to identify potential health risks