Remember this name …Stavulous… you’ll be screaming it later says the PR blurb from Brisbane’s B105. But it doesn’t say why. Apparently B105’s breakfast team, Labrat, Camilla and Stav together with Tash from the newsroom have done the impossible – they have morphed into a pseudo-rock-punk band called STAVULOUS and on EKKA Wednesday they will rip it up in front of thousands.
The band enlisted the help of listeners to decide what song they will sing at EKKA – it will be Greenday’s When I Come Around. Listeners also decided who would do what – Labrat will be rocking out on the drums, Stav will shred up the guitar, Camilla will take the lead in vocals and Tash will set the tone on bass.
“I think we are on our way to bridging the seemingly impassable fracture between stage-strutting rock stars and couch-dwelling video gamers/radio jocks. We’ve even gone all the way to the top and got the big man himself, Kevin Rudd to endorse Stavulous,” said Stav.
“We’ve made it on the Hamish and Andy show, we’ve done the photo shoot, the in-store appearances and now comes the hard part… getting other radio stations to play our song!”