Brisbane radio social media analysis

Social media engagement is now one of a radio station’s most important tools for building and interacting with its audience.

This is the third in our series analysing station social media usage in various markets to see how stations are performing during survey 1.

This report examines Brisbane.

See also our earlier reports on Sydney and Melbourne.

The top 5 facebook social media pages for Brisbane radio stations, since the survey began on January 22 until last weekend, are:
  1. Nova 106.9
  2. Hit105
  3. 97.3 FM
  4. 4KQ
  5. Triple M

Magic882, which is currently transitioning to Talking Lifestyle, does not currently have an active facebook page.

Although they have the most fans, those top stations do not always have the most engagement (shares, likes and comments).

ABC Brisbane has the most engaged fans according to the FanPageKarma index, which looks at engagement as a factor of number of fans.

The second most engaging station is Triple M, then Hit105, Nova 106.9 and 97.3FM, during the survery period to date.

You can play with the data in the active chart below to see the number of fans and total engagement.

Click on the column names to view by number of fans and engagement (ignore the page index PPI score, it is not very meaningful for engagement).

Powered by FanPageKarma


Click on individual station names to see more detailed stats for each station (sign in with your facebook account to see a wealth of detail such as top posts, etc). For instance, when we click on ABC Brisbane we see that the station posted an average of 57 posts per day, with the most interaction happening during daytime shifts. ABC Brisbane’s posts contain links, plus videos and pictures.

The top post for ABC Brisbane was a follow up story about a widower who was looking a fishing buddy, and found lots of them. It is a good example of how to use facebook to follow up stories you have covered on air. See the three strongest and weakest stories below.

The bubble chart shows that Hit has the highest number of posts with a high number of fans. Nova has more fans, but does not post as often as Hit105 and has a lower level or engagement. 4KQ, Nova and 97.3 all published about the same number of posts during the survey period.

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