Cairns Post accuses 4CA of cash for mayor’s comments

A feud within the Cairns council has burst onto the front page of the Cairns newspaper this week catching local Prime Radio station 4CA in the middle of it. The paper carried a ‘cash for comment’ headline relating to what it says is an undeclared paid hour on air for the local mayor. Station Manager Steve Hirst has told radioinfo it is no such thing.

“There’s no cash for comment, it is something we have done for 25 years, giving the local mayor an hour on air to answer listeners’ questions. Listeners ring up and ask why their garbage bin is not being emptied and things like that” Hirst explained to radioinfo.

The newly elected mayor apparently did not take up the opportunity put to previous mayors when she began her tenure, but recently council officers approached the station to get the arrangement going again after the mayor felt more comfortable with the media.

The hour long segment airs on Friday between 10am and 11am, and the mayor speaks directly to listeners. Morning presenter John McKenzie does not interview the mayor during the segment according to Hirst, although he has been known to give her a tough time on some issues where he does interview her in other programs.

4CA does have an advertising contract with the Cairns Council, they are “an ongoing client” and have been for many years depending on the campaigns the council is running. Hirst would not discuss the specifics of the contract, but radioinfo asked him directly:

“Is there any association or connection between the council’s advertising and the mayor’s segment.”

Answer: “No”

Listen to John McKenzie’s comments about the Cairns Post’s story on air today. Grab 1 and Grab 2. In one of his comments he says that if the Council withdrew its advertising the station may not continue the spot.

Hirst says with a laugh, at least there’s good thing about the affair: “The Cairns Post never gives us any coverage. At least now we’ve made the front page!”

Read the Cairns Post article at the link below