With Canberra, Darwin DAB+ trials complete, applications open for licences

Applications invited for digital radio multiplex transmitter licences. 

Following extensive trials of DAB+ in Canberra and Darwin since 2010, applications opened yesterday for one permanent licence in each capital city. 

As reported by radioinfo, the trials were conducted by Commercial Radio Australia using DAB+ digital radio technology. Participants in the Canberra trial included The ABC and SBS.

The ACMA has published a notice inviting eligible joint venture companies to apply for foundation category 1 digital radio multiplex transmitter licences.

The license will remain in force for 15 years, and there is no official closing date for applications, . Head here for licence details and conditions. 

Digital radio services, using DAB+ technology in VHF Band III spectrum, have been running on a permanent basis in the metropolitan areas of Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney since July 2009.

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