Caralis ‘slam dunk’ saves NBL team

Super Network Chairman, Bill Caralis, has come to the rescue of the Hunter Pirates National Basketball League (NBL) team with a last minute, six figure sponsorship deal.

Caralis, who runs Australia’s largest independently owned radio network, has 31 stations throughout NSW and southern Queensland.

Jeff Blandon, majority owner of the Newcastle based Pirates says the bailout is the largest sponsorship the team has received, and means he can make a further approach to a consortium, which – pending NBL approval – is certain to buy him out and keep the Pirates alive in the national competition.

Blandon says he received an unexpected call recently from Caralis and there were no conditions attached to the deal.

“That’s the beauty of it. It’s strictly a sponsorship deal. He genuinely thinks the Pirates are a great thing for the Hunter and he wants to see them continue.

“He’s watched us struggle and he just wants to help us out.”

Caralis’ 2HD has given advertising support to the Pirates in the past, but this is the first time a cash sponsorship has been put forward.

The rescue move comes only days after Caralis submitted final architect plans to council for approval for a $3 million upgrade of 2HD and New FM, Newcastle.

The ground up rebuild on his 1.7 hectare site at Sandgate will be in two stages and will also include Port Stephens FM 97.5.

The state of the art facility will house a new studio fitout, offices, latest studio equipment and undercover parking.

A feature of the decor will be the Caralis signature of Grecian white marble, which is featured extensively in his 2SM Pyrmont building in Sydney.

Over the past two years Caralis has spent a small fortune, renovating/upgrading his 31 stations.

This includes the planning, purchase and implementation of 10 new translator broadcasting facilities at Noosa, FM 107.1 and FM 100.3; Kyogle, FM 104.3; Gold Coast, FM 104.1; Gloucester, FM 100.1 and 103.3; Yamba, FM 103.9; Goondiwindi, FM 88.7 and FM 89.5; and Port Stephens FM 97.5.

Technical equipment has been ordered for a further 10 translators across the network, which will be operational in the next 12 to 18 months.

Caralis has told radioinfo: “with the ongoing renovations, rebuild, and technical upgrading of our network stations that I have planned, I don’t think I will be going on holidays in the foreseeable future.

“Our network engineer, Alan Bone, and his team have done a mighty job. It just never stops!”

Recently, the Super Network began a $1 million renovation of its 2TM/FM 92.9 facility at Tamworth in northern NSW.

At the time, Caralis said: “Now that plans have been approved and tenders accepted to facilitate the upgrade, I am looking forward to providing the best facilities possible for the staff of our Tamworth stations. A Bobcat went through the first wall yesterday.”

The Tamworth operation is the hub for the Nick Erby country music program, which is networked across the Super Network stations. Erby has long been considered Australia’s country music guru and regularly interviews and features leading artists on his Saturday and Sunday program.