Cassie McCullagh will leave ABC Radio Sydney at the end of the month

Cassie McCullagh has told her ABC Radio Sydney audience that she will finish up hosting Mornings at the end of November.

She told her listeners that “After five years of being with you here in the Morning on ABC Radio Sydney I will soon be finishing up and heading back to Radio National. 

“It has been an incredible privilege and pleasure to have been with you all this time and to have had so many, many conversations over so many subjects from the most serious and important matters of the time to the absolutely silly and frivolous.

We’ve been through a lot in the last five years together from those dreadful bushfires in the summer of 2019/20….and then of course as the pandemic began to unfold, we had to learn about the measures we had to take to protect ourselves and others…then the lockdowns and border closures. 

“They were amazing times and amazing history we have lived through together and I will never forget it as long as I live.

ABC Radio Sydney Manager, Steve Ahern, says, “Cassie is one of those special broadcasters who brings sincerity, warmth and a great deal of joy to her shows and she is loved for it by her many fans. 

“Cassie is part of our ABC family and I’m pleased to say that our listeners will be able to reconnect with from time to time on ABC Radio Sydney and will also hear her on Radio National.  Her talents are not lost to the ABC.”

Listeners to her program were quick to send SMS messages to Cassie, including from Suzy “This has been the worst five years of my life but the best radio ever with you.”

Cassie will be on air until next Friday, 25 November.  The ABC will announce her replacement in the coming weeks.

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