Class war erupts between Media Watch and 2GB

Last week Media Watch took aim at 2GB’s rookie mid-dawn presenter Mark Kennedy, which prompted the regular mid-dawn presenter, David Oldfield to return fire at what he described as “ABC layabout lefty commie thugs.”

Well, he would say that wouldn’t he? And not many people would have heard him say it until last night when Media Watch opened the show with the former Pauline Hanson adviser’s rant against it and the left wing culture at the ABC.

Oldfield told his grave shift audience, “Being on Media Watch is like a badge of honour. Anything that sticks it up the noses of those ABC layabout lefty commie thugs is good. Up them! Media Watch should get themselves a real job, get off the taxpayers’ tit.”

Media Watch presenter, Jonathan Holmes, followed that remark with gentle ridicule saying, “But then we wouldn’t be able to give the early morning musings of 2GB’s David Oldfield the wider airing they deserve.”

And if that was too subtle a hint that Holmes was willing to engage 2GB’s presenters in a longer term battle, he closed Media Watch by awarding another “badge of honour,” to Brian Wilshire who he accused of bad taste for bringing into question Deputy PM, Julia Gillard’s looks.

Whether you are a 2GB listener or a Media Watch viewer, or both, tune in next week for another instalment of the battle between the lefty intellectuals of the ABC and the conservative Struggle Street fans of talk radio. That’s entertainment!

Also entertaining was Eddie MacGuire’s new show on Channel Nine called Hot Seat which featured as one of its contestants Austereo publicist, Kate Hopkins, who walked away with the inaugural show’s $20,000 first prize.