Community radio continues expansion in the UK

Britain’s broadcast regulator OfCom has released its draft plan for 2013.  It includes a significant expansion of community radio in Northern Ireland plus the continuing growth of the community radio sector in other parts of the UK.


Ofcom will continue to license television and radio services which come under UK jurisdiction, in order to provide consumers with a wide range of broadcast services.

Section 5.65 of this year’s work plan says:

In 2013/14 this will include the ongoing third round of community radio licensing; we will assess applications from Northern Ireland (having already completed the process for Wales and Scotland in 2012/13), the north-east of England, the north-west of England, Yorkshire, the Midlands and east and south-east England.

Licences are granted for five years and services are required to deliver social gain to their chosen communities.

As of the end of November 2012, there were over 200 community radio stations on air, delivering community benefits to around 12.5 million people throughout the UK.

Ofcom intends throughout 2013/14 to continue licensing community radio services where there is a suitable frequency available and where applications meet the requirements.


The regulator will also support the Government’s digital radio program:

5.72 Ofcom will also continue to support the Government’s Digital Radio Action Plan, working with government, broadcasters, Digital Radio UK and Arqiva. As set out in the plan, we will continue to lead the coverage and spectrum planning work during 2013/14, including considering future uses for the MW spectrum and any vacated FM spectrum.