Connect FM 100.9 celebrates 40 years

On October 28 members past and present gathered to celebrate the 40th birthday of Bankstown & Auburn’s local radio station Connect FM 100.9.

The station started life as 2HCR (Harbour City Radio), when the government announced that there would be frequencies & licences made available to community-based broadcasters. Later a group put in a bid for a licence for the area, and 2BCR (Bankstown City Radio) was born. Operating then on a frequency of 88.7fm the station was to serve the Bankstown & Auburn LAC’s.

Presenter Mark Flanagan was MC for the evening at the Bankstown City Paceway, with special guests Mr David Coleman MP (Federal Member for Banks & Shadow Minister for Communications) and Bankstown area Commander Superintendent Adam Johnson giving congratulatory speeches. Chairperson Tony Bennetts spoke on the current standing of Connect FM in the community, while founding members Brett Goodridge & Mark Denmeade told the history of station, from the formation of the co-op and the obtaining the broadcast licence, to the station name & frequency changes (2BCR 88.7fm, B-FM 100.9fm, 2BACR 100.9fm and now Connect FM 100.9).

Mention was also made of the people that had gone on from the Bankstown station to spend time in the commercial side of the tracks and the entertainment industry. People such as Brendan Jones (WS-FM), Kevin Johnson (ACD at HO-FM Hobart), Peter Yiamarelos, Max Healey, Mark Littler, Poppy Savvakis, Steve Hart, Steve Bedwell and the late Mikey Robins & George Mihalos.

Some light entertainment, music & dancing followed dinner, and cake cutting, as well as lots of friends catching up with friends that they had not seen for a while.

Chairperson Tony Bennetts

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