Coonan announces review of indigenous broadcasting

Communications Minister Senator Helen Coonan says a review of the Indigenous Broadcasting Program will ensure that existing and new indigenous radio services operate effectively and provide their audiences with relevant services.

Senator Coonan said: “I have released a discussion paper that canvasses issues relevant to the current operations of the program.”

“The review will examine funding practices that will better reflect the needs, priorities and aspirations of indigenous communities and will propose a set of principles for the future governance of the program.”

“The Australian Government has a firm commitment to indigenous broadcasting,
especially in remote areas. “

“Broadcasting—by indigenous people to their own communities—plays an important role in the promotion and maintenance of indigenous languages and culture. It helps inform and educate indigenous Australians on the range of health, legal, education and housing services available to them.”

The review of the program will complement the Australian Government’s $90 million
Backing Indigenous Ability initiative announced last September, which aims to improve
indigenous access to appropriate communications services, including broadcasting.

Senator Coonan continued: “I strongly encourage all interested parties—indigenous community members, indigenous broadcasters and other interested parties—to participate in this review. I look forward to hearing those views and to considering the review findings.”

As part of the review, in late April 2006 a consultation forum will be held in Canberra on
the proposed changes to the program.

This will help a broad range of representatives from indigenous radio broadcasting
organisations to receive more information about, and respond in their submissions to, the
issues raised in the Discussion Paper.

The deadline for submissions to the review of the program is Friday 30 June 2006.

Submissions should be framed according to the terms of reference set out in the Review of the Australian Government Indigenous Broadcasting Program Discussion Paper,
available online at the weblink below or via email from [email protected] or from Indigenous Coordination Centres.