Cost-cutting review must become public say ABC Friends

Documents relating to the current review of expenditure by the ABC with a view to cost-cutting have been leaked to ABC Friends setting off alarm bells within the organisation.
According to spokesperson Glenys Stradijot, they are concerned that the ultimate aim is to privatise the public broadcaster and fill it with outside productions developed for commercial consumption.
“Leaks from Minister Turnbull’s cost-cutting review of the ABC are alarming,” said Glenys Stradijot, ABC Friends national spokesperson.
“The type of broadcaster envisaged by the review is privatisation of the ABC,” she said.
“It breaks two Coalition pre-election promises: its promise not to cut the ABC and its promise not to privatise the ABC.
“Independent surveys regularly reveal how highly Australians trust and value the public broadcaster.
“The community will not accept the ABC becoming merely a platform for programs produced by the same private production companies that make content for commercial television.
“They will not accept the operations of the ABC being even more centralised in Sydney. The ABC is meant to be a ‘national’ broadcaster.
“Australians are entitled to know what is being considered for their national public broadcaster.
“Full details of the cost-cutting review must immediately be made public.
“Minister Turnbull needs to explain why his appointee to head the review does not have a conflict of interest.
Peter Lewis previously held senior positions with Seven West Media. After having been given access to confidential information about the internal operations of the ABC and developing recommendations for its future, he is soon to commence a position as chief financial officer for another major commercial competitor to the ABC,” said Glenys Stradijot. 

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