DC and Mazza’s new breakfast menu on Radio Metro

Two veterans of Surfers Paradise community station Radio Metro have teamed up for a new breakfast show. Steve Mazza and David Christopher have pooled their “colourful talents and bad manners to bring you the biggest boys club brekkie show to ever hit the airwaves.”

The station promises you can “find out how much of an 80’s child you really are with ‘Retro Metro’, score some cool prizes by guessing the movie quotes on ‘Flick Pick’, and catch up on the most unusual stories from around the globe on ‘Not the News’. You can also get the latest music news on ‘Vibed’ – and for all the movie reviews you can handle, make sure you glue your ears to the ‘Metro Movie Show’ every Friday morning.”

Radio Metro. Is heard on 105.7 in Surfers Paradise.